Spiritual Direction with Carol Costello 


    Spiritual direction is the joy of my life.
    Thanks for visiting.

                Carol Costello

What is spiritual direction?

           Spiritual direction is walking together as you explore and deepen your relationship with the Infinite,
the Self, Source, Mystery, God or whatever you call the divine. It is about honing a personal spirituality that gives life purpose, passion, and promise--within or outside of a traditional faith--and about putting yourself
in the path of grace.
           With this personal spirituality, you intentionally bring Source into your relationships, creative life,
work, and sense of who you are.

Why do it?

     We all just want to be happy. Honoring our relationship with the Infinite brings a richness and quiet happiness that goes on forever, keeps getting better, and gives a larger context to apparent difficulties.
     When you know you are on the right track, you can relax. You have the freedom to love, and the peace to find your highest creative expression. You trust your experience of the divine, and plumb that connection in a safe and nurturing environment.

How does it work?

     Spiritual direction offers a companion along the way, someone with whom to share life's big and little stresses, choices, and triumphs. The busier you are, the more important it is to access this spiritual synergy, and to appreciate God's presence and action in everyday life.
     Spiritual direction usually involves one fifty-minute meeting per month, but this can be adjusted to suit individual needs. Sessions are held either in person or by phone, and are completely confidential.

Carol Costello

     I am a certified spiritual director, author, teacher, coach, workshop leader, and thirty-year student of meditation and the Vedanta. I trained at Mercy Center in Burlingame, CA, and am a member of Spiritual Directors International. My work includes people of all faiths, and also those not associated with any particular tradition. For more information, please contact me at carol@carolcostello.net or 415 221-1772.

Be still, and know that I am God.
(Psalms 46:10)

In my father's house there are many rooms.
(John 14:2)

Seekers are people of faith
even if they do not belong to a particular religion. Faith in this sense is deeper than one's belief system...It is openness to Ultimate Mystery.
                                  Fr. Thomas Keating